The data presented in the following flowcharts is published in the B51 Code and serves as a general guide for fluids categorized as either “not more hazardous than water”, “non-lethal”, or “lethal”. When dealing with a specific case, there may be additional factors to consider.

Additional Notes & Exemptions:
- Fittings: For British Columbia and Saskatchewan, see Exemptions for Fittings of Category A, B, C, or G .
- Refrigeration: For TSSA, not required if Capacity is less than 3 Tons (11 KW)
- Pressure Vessels:Per the Saskatchewan website, for a new boiler or a pressure vessel, there are exceptions if it bears a CRN from another province or it if has been NB approved, among other requirements. Please view their site for complete details: Saskatchewan CPSP.
- For Piping requirements in Ontario, visit TSSA.
- ABSA will not register a fluid that is not “expansible”, thus excluding systems such as hydraulic systems.
Please remember that this has been supplied for information purposes only. Only ASME can interpret the Code rules, and each Canadian Jurisdiction has their own requirements.