This Tri-clamp connection is designed to comply with ASME B31.3-2008. It is an unlisted component because of its shape, hence the ASME VIII-1 Appendix-24 (24-1(b)) cannot be used to validate it. Two options remain for determining the MAWP:
1. A burst test per UG-101(m)
2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) per ASME VIII-2, Part 5
The Tri-Clamp can be qualified using Option 2 under ASME B31.3 304.7.2(d).
Allowable stress should be taken from ASME B31.3 Table A-1 in place of the allowable stress from ASME VIII – II, Part 5.
Here is a sample FEA report for the Tri-Clamp connection:
Sample Tri-Clamp Report (1.2 MB)